Your event space in the heart of Hamburg
Modern and versatile event location, for your next team meeting! This special location in Hamburg offers flexible space for any kind of gathering - be it a conference, a workshop or a creative meeting.
From the technically well-equipped office to cozy coaching corners - the room can be perfectly adapted to your group needs.
Note: This is an event location without overnight accommodation options, but accommodation can easily be booked in the surrounding area.
With flexible seating arrangements, it adapts to any group size and dynamic. The room can also be converted into a stage to take your presentations to the next level.
The Lange Reihe in Hamburg-St. Georg is particularly attractive due to its diverse culture and lively atmosphere. This street is the heart of a creative and lively district.
There is plenty to discover and do in the surrounding area. The proximity to Hamburg's main train station and the Alster offers excellent opportunities for walks or boat trips.